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Theme Feats & Traits?
--From Zeitgeist
Docker - Bohemian working man artists and performers.
Eschatologist - Philosopher devoted to the proper endings of things.
Gunsmith - Designer and wielder of custom firearms.
Martial Scientist - Educated and analytical warrior.
Skyseer - Folk prophet who see the future in the stars.
Spirit Medium - Contact and control spirits of the dead.
Technologist - Design small contraptions.
Vekeshi Mystic - Devoted to the philosophy of slow, proper vengeance against those who oppress the weak.
Yerasol Veteran - Highly regarded war hero.
--From 4th Ed
Neverwinter Noble - A true heir to Neverwinter.
Disgraced Noble - A controller/leader focused martial theme that flavors a character as a dishonored and rejected noble that was cast away due to an irredeemable act. Found in The Book Of Vile Darkness.
Dead Rat deserter - A former thieves’ guild member

Gladiator: A defender focused martial theme that flavors flavors a character as a seasoned arena combatant of guts grit and glory. Found in The Dark Sun Campaign Setting supplement.

Noble - A leader focused divine theme that flavors a character as an influential member of an aristocaratic bloodline. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.

Explorer - A defender focused primal theme that flavos a character as an experienced explorer of the untamed wilds. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.

Guttersnipe - A martial theme that flavors a character as a theiving and scheeming cutpurse and pickpocket. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.

Mercenary - A striker focused theme that flavors a character as being a simple warrior for hire to the higest bidder. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.

Outlaw - A martial theme that flavors a character as an outlaw, someone on the run from those who would wish harm on them and willing to use any means nessary to escape. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.

Wizard's Apprentice - A leader focused arcane theme that flavors a character as being a student of a powerfull wizard. Found in Dragon Magazine #399.