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Feat Name Category
Prerequisites Benefit Source
Brew Fleshcrafting Poison Item Creation Caster level 10th, 5 or more ranks in Craft (alchemy) Learn the ancient drow art of creating fleshcrafting poisons. AP16
Brew Potion Item Creation Caster level 3rd Create magic potions CRB
Craft Construct Item Creation Caster level 5th, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item. You can create any construct whose prerequisites you meet. CRB
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Item Creation Caster level 5th Create magic armors, shields, and weapons CRB
Craft Ooze Item Creation Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks, caster level 5th. You can create living oozes as though they were magical items. Alchemy Manual
Craft Rod Item Creation Caster level 9th Create magic rods CRB
Craft Staff Item Creation Caster level 11th Create magic staves CRB
Craft Wand Item Creation Caster level 5th Create magic wands CRB
Craft Wondrous Item Item Creation Caster level 3rd Create magic wondrous items CRB
Forge Ring Item Creation Caster level 7th Create magic rings CRB
Inscribe Magical Tattoo Item Creation Craft (calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos) 5 ranks, caster level 5th. Create magic tattoos ISM
Inscribe Rune Item Creation Caster level 3rd. Create magic runes. AP5
Scribe Scroll Item Creation Caster level 1st Create magic scrolls CRB

Feat Name Category/
Prerequisites Benefit Source
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-- Brew Potion Scribe Scroll -- Craft Magic Arms and Armor Craft Staff -- Craft Wondrous Item Forge Ring -- Craft Construct Craft Ooze -- Craft Rod Craft Wand -- Inscribe Magical Tattoo Inscribe Rune --